What is Sheet Metal Cutting, Twisting? How is it done?

We provide you with the products you need with sheet metal cutting and bending processes used in many branches of the industry, with our high knowledge and experience.

What is Sheet Metal Cutting and Twisting?

It is the process of cutting metal materials in desired dimensions. This process proceeds with high quality, professional machines and experienced teammates in this field. Thus, it becomes possible to design the products you need without any problems. In bending processes, metals cut in desired dimensions are bent and shaped. These processes are often carried out by forming the product with the desired dimensions and features from the main material, which is in the form of rolls.

Our Sheet Metal Cutting and Twisting Service

Our sheet metal cutting and bending processes for you to reach a reliable, quality and trouble-free service;

  • With new generation devices
  • Short production times
  • With fast supply process
  • Without material loss
  • We offer affordable prices.

Why Prefer Sheet Metal Cutting and Twisting Operations?

The production time is short, the usage possibilities are wide and the cost is reasonable compared to the materials, which increases the demand for sheet metal cutting and bending processes. We offer you the products you need without experiencing problems such as deformation, dents or scratches with our professional machines that prevent the occurrence of human-induced errors. At the same time, it is an extremely advantageous service as sheet metal cutting and bending operations can be performed at any desired size.

What Are The Usage Areas of Sheet Metal?

In general, after our sheet metal cutting and bending services, we can list the areas where our customers use these products as follows:

  • In coating processes
  • Automotive and aircraft industry
  • In the production of cabinets and white goods
  • In the manufacture of garbage cans
  • In the construction
  • Industry as a mold
  • In industry for maintenance and repair work

Steps of Our Sheet Cutting and Twisting Service

We provide our service in line with the service steps and principles we have determined so that you can reach the sheet metal products you need. For this, we offer our service to you gradually; In this way, we prevent service problems caused by misunderstandings or errors.

The steps of our service are as follows:

  1. Contact: We offer you professional support when you contact us. We answer your questions about sheet metal cutting and bending, and provide detailed information about the features of our service.
  2. Information Retrieval & Plan: When you decide to benefit from our service, we save the sheet metal properties, size and material information you want and create the general draft plan of our project.
  3. Manufacturing: After clarifying the draft plan and receiving your approval, we produce the desired quantity of products in the dimensions and specifications you want.
  4. Delivery: At this stage, we ensure that the products you want are delivered to your address and we finalize our process.
    If there are issues or problems you want to consult after our service, we provide you with a support line where you can always contact us.
  5. Sheet Metal Cutting ve Bending, metal plakaların kesilmesi ve bükülmesi işlemleridir. Bu işlemler, genellikle metal levhaların belirli bir boyut veya şekle getirilmesi amacıyla kullanılır.

    Sheet Metal Cutting işlemi, metal plakanın kesilmesi için farklı yöntemler kullanır. Bazı yaygın kesme yöntemleri arasında lazer kesme, su jeti kesme ve plazma kesme bulunur. Bu yöntemler, metal plakanın kalınlığına, şekline ve kesme hassasiyetine göre seçilir.

    Sheet Metal Bending işlemi, metal plakanın belirli bir açıya veya şekle bükülmesi işlemidir. Bu işlem, özel bir makine kullanılarak gerçekleştirilir ve bükülme işlemi, metal plakanın kalınlığına ve bükülecek açının derecesine göre ayarlanır.

    Plasma Cutting ise, metal kesme işleminde kullanılan bir diğer yöntemdir. Plazma kesme, metal plakayı kesmek için yüksek sıcaklıkta bir plazma jeti kullanır. Bu işlem, yüksek hızlı kesme ve hassas kesim sağlar ve genellikle sanayi ve metal işleme sektörlerinde kullanılır.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our sheet metal cutting and bending prices are extremely reasonable and do not tire your budget. You can contact us immediately and get information about our economical and campaign prices; We will be happy to meet and work with you.